Arthur Feinstein has worked on wetland issues “local, state and federal” for the last twenty-five years, as Conservation Chair, President, and then Executive Director of the Golden Gate Audubon Society. In the late 1980s he was the Program Coordinator for the Citizens Committee to Complete the Refuge for five years, during which time he worked on federal legislation to expand the boundaries of the San Francisco Bay National Wildlife Refuge by approximately 20,000 acres. As a founding member of the Campaign to Save California Wetlands, in 1995 Arthur helped write and publish the “Marsh Manual”, a citizen’s guide to wetlands that discussed both wetland ecology and wetland regulations from a state and nationwide perspective. In 2003, Arthur was awarded one of the national Clean Water Networks 30-Year Heroes Award celebrating the 30th Anniversary of the Clean Water Act and received a Bay Champion Award from the National Audubon Society. Arthur received his B.S. in Biology from Reed College. Arthur’s Press > >