Point Molate is the feature article in Golden Gate Audubon Society’s The Gull newsletter Summer 2021

Click here to read the latest issue of Golden Gate Audubon Society's The Gull newsletter featuring Point Molate.  

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Click here to read the letter from Shirley Dean, President of CESP Board, on City of Richmond's attempts to fast track approval of large mixed-use development (Campus Bay) on former Zeneca toxic site.

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Press Release: Richmond Slammed in Lawsuit for Trying to Turn Native Sacred Places, Public Beach, Rare Habitat and Public Lands into a Luxury Housing Enclave at Point Molate

Tuesday, October 13, 2020   Richmond Slammed in Lawsuit for Trying to Turn Native Sacred Places, Public Beach, Rare Habitat and Public Lands into a Luxury Housing Enclave at Point Molate Project Approval Violated CEQA, California Planning and Zoning Law   Richmond, CA – On Friday, the Sierra Club and other environmental groups filed a lawsuit challenging the decision last month by the City of Richmond to approve a proposed 2,000-unit luxury housing project at Point Molate, a biologically, culturally, and historically rich part of the San Francisco Bay ...

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Richmond City Council Approves Point Molate Mixed-Use Development

LINK: Richmond City Council Approves Point Molate Mixed-Use Development, KPIX, September 9, 2020 CESP's Norman La Force interviewed after Richmond City Council votes to sell Point Molate.

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East Bay Express: Racial And Climate Justice for Point Molate

Click here to read the article Racial And Climate Justice for Point Molate | East Bay Express, August 4, 2020 article by By Courtney Cummings and David Helvarg of Point Molate Alliance

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San Francisco Bay Trail Connects Berkeley and Albany Portions of McLaughlin Eastshore State Park

East Bay Regional Park District connected a stretch of San Francisco Bay Trail between Gilman Street and Albany Beach, formerly a key gap between the Berkeley and Albany portions of McLaughlin Eastshore State Park. SF Chronicle Article Link: New bayside trail in East Bay offers easy access — and refuge in troubled times, June 8, 2020 Photos captured by Patricia Jones.  

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East Bay Express: The Clock is Ticking at Point Molate

Should Richmond really build a waterfront community along the historic cul-de-sac directly adjacent to Chevron’s refinery? Link to East Bay Express article: https://www.eastbayexpress.com/oakland/the-clock-is-ticking-at-point-molate/Content?oid=27944686

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Sierra Club: Illegal development at Point Molate would put Richmond in the red

Point Molate is one of the last great shoreline open spaces in the Bay Area. The East Bay Regional Park District’s Master plan calls for it to be a regional park. It is rich in wildlife, home to unique habitats and flora, and the offshore eelgrass beds — a pillar of the Bay Estuary ecosystem — are the healthiest and most expansive in San Francisco Bay. Link to Sierra Club article: https://www.sierraclub.org/san-francisco-bay/blog/2019/09/illegal-development-point-molate-would-put-richmond-red

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CESP, Point Molate Alliance, and Multiple Individuals and Groups Respond to Inadequacies in Draft Subsequent Environmental Impact Report (DSEIR) for Richmond’s Point Molate Development Project

Multiple organizations and individuals respond to the inadequate DSEIR prepared for the Point Molate  Mixed-Use Development Project by the April 30, 2020 deadline. See responses below: Citizens for East Shore Parks Attorney Flashman comments on behalf of CESP, SPRAWLDEF and Point Molate Alliance Sierra Club San Francisco Bay Chapter Point Molate Alliance Sally Tobin, CESP Board Member Tony Brake, Avian Specialist - Appendices: Birds of Point Molate San Pablo Peninsula, Map of Osprey Nests Golden Hour Restoration Institute     ...

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Press Release: Point Molate Fiscal Impact Assessment Raises Questions about City’s Due Diligence

Planned sale and development of Point Molate could cost Richmond $3.5 million dollars a year. New Fiscal Impact Assessment raises questions about City’s Due Diligence Given the city of Richmond has failed to carry out a fiscal impact analysis on its plan to sell Point Molate to the Southern California based SunCal real-estate corporation - as would be expected if it were exercising reasonable due diligence - three citizen groups have commissioned one. The analysis by Alexander Quinn, Director of Sustainable Economics at Hatch, the globally respected business and ...

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