Golden Gate Audubon Society Blog Post: Surveying Birds of the Albany Bulb


Red-tailed Hawk at Albany Bulb / Photo by Pam Young

January 16, 2017

By Ilana DeBare

Posted by GGAS in Birding, Conservation, Golden Gaute Audubon 

Jutting out into San Francisco Bay, the Albany Bulb and Neck has received a lot of attention for its human uses: a onetime garbage dump, onetime homeless encampment, and the first section of shoreline targeted to be a part of today’s McLaughlin Eastshore State Park.


Click here to read the full article on Golden Gate Audubon Society’s Blog.

And, exciting news!

The burrowing owl has been spotted in the habitat enhancement area on the Albany Plateau. Here are some pictures of the birding adventure to spot the burrowing owl.

Tuesday 4 Birds Friends scan the plateau to find the burrowing owl. Photo by Cameron Wilson.

Golden Gate Audubon Society volunteer Pam Y. helped us locate the burrowing owl on the plateau. Note the position of the scope. Photo by Cameron Wilson.