Supporting Organizations

We wish to thank the following foundations for their support over the years:
San Francisco Foundation Logo

  • California State Parks Foundation
  • Clif Bar Family Foundation
  • Columbia Foundation
  • Dean Witter Foundation
  • East Bay Community Foundation
  • Firedoll Foundation
  • Gerbode Foundation
  • Heller Fund
  • Loveland Foundation
  • Patagonia Tithing Fund
  • Points of Light Foundation
  • Recreational Equipment Inc.
  • Richard and Rhoda Goldman Fund
  • Rose Foundation
  • Sandor Strauss Foundation
  • San Francisco Foundation
  • Strong Foundation
  • True North Foundation
  • Walter & Elise Haas Fund
  • William & Flora Hewlett Foundation
  • California Wildlands Grassroots Fund (Tides Foundation)

Remembering Kay Kerr

CESP salutes the passing of Catherine “Kay” Kerr, longtime CESP supporter and co-founder of Save the Bay.

Read the SF Chronicle article.

Remembering Richard Goldman

CESP salutes the passing of Richard Goldman of the Richard and Rhoda Goldman Fun, a longtime supporter of CESP.

Read the SF Chronicle article.