Contact Us

P.O. BOX 6087

ALBANY, CA 94707

(510) 524 – 5000 (OFFICE)
(510) 526 – 3672 (FAX)

Our Mission

The mission of Citizens for East Shore Parks (CESP) is to create a necklace of shoreline parks from the Oakland Estuary to the Carquinez Strait.

CESP works to conserve natural resources and wildlife habitat and to secure public access to shoreline open space along our magnificent East Bay shoreline.

Our Resilient Shoreline Program addressing sea rise and the effects of climate change is a natural extension of our mission.

Connect With Us



State Regulators Scrutinize Climate Plan for Controversial Richmond Housing, 1/12/23

CESP Executive Director, Robert Cheasty, interviewed in article.

NBC Bay Area: Groups Fight Over New Richmond Housing Project Near Contaminated Site, 4/15/21

CESP Executive Director Robert Cheasty interviewed in story.

Project Updates

AstraZeneca Toxic Waste Site

CESP and other environmental and community groups filed a CEQA suit against Richmond over plan to develop housing on toxic waste site. Click here to read the press release. Click here to read the SF Chronicle article, and here to read the East Bay Times article.

CESP comments on Richmond's Campus Bay Mixed-Use project Click here to read the letter from Shirley Dean, President of CESP Board, on City of Richmond's attempts to fast track approval of large mixed-use development (Campus Bay) on AstraZeneca toxic site.

Alix Mazuet

Point Molate

On Friday, October 9, 2020 Citizens for East Shore Parks and other environmental groups filed a lawsuit challenging the decision by the City of Richmond to approve a proposed 2,000-unit luxury housing project at Point Molate, a biologically, culturally, and historically rich part of the San Francisco Bay shoreline. Click here to read the full press release.

Financial analysis was commissioned by CESP and Sierra Club. The Report shows the City will lose tens of millions of dollars from the proposed project. The project will at best be revenue neutral at buildout, which will take 20 years. Click here to view report.

Tell the City of Richmond: The Community Plan is the best alternative to the Mayor/SunCal’s plan for Point Molate. The Community Plan creates playing fields, recreational open space, and habitat protection. Read The Community Plan here.

Our Programs
point molate

Point Molate


Expanding the Park through Richmond

Richmond is home to 32 miles of shoreline, the most of any city in the San Francisco Bay Area. CESP continues to play an active role in what is being planned for Pt. Molate, and the south and north shoreline, and to monitor the identified toxic sites and the critical Breuner Marsh area.

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Completing McLaughlin Eastshore Park

Eastshore State Park was established in 2002 and renamed McLaughlin Eastshore State Park in 2012 in honor of CESP Co-Founder Sylvia McLaughlin and the many citizen activists that helped create the Park. CESP continues to work to complete MESP as outlined in the General Plan. General Plan Link: MESP General Plan


Establishing a Resilient Shoreline

We are working with people, elected officials and other organizations to inform the public about sea-level rise and to find practical green infrastructure solutions that will prevent destruction to homes and businesses in communities along the East Shore of the Bay. Learn what we’ve done in the cities of Oakland, Richmond and Berkeley, and what we are planning to do in Albany.

Explore East Shore Parks